Kitty's Flowers

Kitty's Flowers

Posted by kittysflowers on October 15, 2020 | Last Updated: October 27, 2020 Uncategorized

🦃 Thanksgiving Floral Inspiration 🍁

It’s Turkey Time! The wonderful holiday that is Thanksgiving is finally here. We love this holiday for so many reasons… sumptuous food, football, parades, dog shows, naps, leftovers…. Most of all, though, we love that this is a day of sharing, the inclusion of all, and camaraderie while eating lots and lots of food. In the spirit of giving thanks to all the positives in our lives, including you, our customers, we have collected all of our best Thanksgiving-themed blogs for you here. Discover some amazing table centerpiece ideas, hostess gifts, and more. From the Kitty’s Flowers family to yours, we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

Choose the Perfect Hostess Gift for your Thanksgiving Celebration

If you are invited as a guest to a Thanksgiving celebration this year, you’ve probably realized two things: you’re off the hook for hosting duties (yay!) and now you need to find a hostess gift.

Who We’re Most Thankful For

At Thanksgiving, we like to stop and reflect on who and what we are most thankful for. At Kitty’s Flowers, we are especially thankful for all the individuals without whom we could not provide the highest quality and best service around.

A Fun New Way to Do Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, if you’re looking for a way to step outside of tradition and design an original, creative way to celebrate the holiday, think about hosting a picnic-style Thanksgiving.