Same-Day Flower Delivery | Salisbury, Berlin, Laurel & Millsboro Florist

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Delivery by 12pm today available. Order within 2 hours details

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

St. Peter's Episcopal Church | Lewes (DE) Flower, Plant, & Gift Delivery

Send beautiful flowers, plants, and gifts to St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Lewes, Delaware from your favorite local florist, Kitty's Flowers. We would be delighted to serve you with an elegant selection of roses, hydrangeas, tulips, daisies, gourmet goodies, green plants, blooming baskets, heartfelt gifts, tropical flowers, orchids, chrysanthemums, and so much more. We would be honored to serve you for weddings, memorial services, to help say thank you, to celebrate, and of course, just to bring joy!

Connect with Kitty's Flowers today!

Business Address
200 2nd St.
Lewes, DE 19958

Delivery Directory